Maybe I like aliens so much because I feel like one
Let me start this off by saying if you don’t believe in aliens we can’t be friends. You really think we’re the only weirdos floating around this endless existence of space. Come on now you gotta grow up. Maybe that’s a lot but at least I’m putting my passions for extraterrestrials and the unknown at the forefront. Now let me get into what I actually wanted to speak on which is me being an absolute weirdo. Since I can remember I’ve always been different from most of the people I’m around. Either being the lightest girl in school, the Oreo in the class, or the person that thinks of everything way to in depth. I’m used to being an accepted outcast. I mean, I’ve always been able to make friends but feel like an alien compared to everyone else.
I don’t know how to explain my thoughts or why I like certain things but let’s see if I can try. I think of almost everything in a macro and micro type of way. I’m extremely blunt even in moments where I know I shouldn’t be. I have interests in the ODDEST things and the list just keeps on growing. I’m an extroverted introvert and know that no one really knows all of me. I like what I like and have no real reasoning behind why.
Throughout my school years and beyond I’ve always had issues with girls no matter the situation. They either think I want their pimple faced boyfriend, that I somehow assumed I was better than them, or just didn’t like me for 1000 different reasons. Since I’m all about inclusion trust me, I’ve also been victim to these situations of known distain with men.
No matter then reason or situation I’m just an odd individual and have grown to love that. I get fascinated with the odd facts, myths, and animals of the world because I can relate to them. Why do Alpacas spit and Llamas don’t? What causes certain animals to become bioluminescent? How the fuck are the Rothschilds so rich? The very common and usual questions I ask myself on a daily bases.
I’ve been in a realm of refection and acceptance over the last few years because well I had to. When you feel insane for being different and demonized for just trying to be yourself, accepting who you really are is the only way not to break. Some fall into a cast of being another person and try to fit into the mold others around are trying to shape them into. That’s just not something I can do. The hands pressing against my sides as they smooth out the idiosyncrasies that make up Olivia. That’s a feeling I can go without.
Being you is a very scary and brave thing. I’m still not fully myself and am working towards being unapologetically me everyday. Don’t be scared of how someone will view you because of what you think, like, or wear. The trends and ideas of today were made by people who were brave enough to go against everything that existed for them at the time. As long as you’re not intentionally hurting anyone and are open to the differences of others you can’t go wrong. So say FUCK EM to the people who tell you you’re anything less amazing. I’m here rooting for you even if you put milk before your cereal…I am judging but do what makes you happy boo boo.